I think that this whole copyright thing has gotten too crazy. Makes one afraid to use any fabric in case someone comes back on you. I, too feel that if I have bought the fabric I have the right to use it in any way I want. (Even if I make a dog’s bed out of it, it’s mine.) The fabric manufacturer has already paid the designer. That is the end of her say on the design, to me. After reading the McCall’s article (written by a lawyer, I might add) I decided I just wouldn’t enter any quilts in any shows. Who knows when someone will claim a 9 Patch as their design and try to sue you for using it. (It is a public domaine pattern, I think) However we are a society that seems to be in love with sueing each other, so you never know! I, also will be more vigilent about what is printed in the selvedge, and will not buy Ms. Spain’s fabric. Perhaps we should let the manufacturer of said fabric know? It is all just a very sad situation.